
    Registry Book of the Sport Center of Capoeira Angola (CECA), used between the years of 1946 e 1970. The book contains inscriptions of students that spent time in the school, among them many nationally and internationally known mestres. These details are an important information for understanding the social coverage of capoeira, which is also contributing to the statistical analysis of the data about age, color, gender, profession and religion of the students.

    Brazilian (Auto)Biographical Research Magazine, Salvador, v. 01, n. 03, p. 415-427, Sep/Dec. 2016

    1949 - admission of Daniel Ângelo dos Reis (docker, born in 1897), see below on the image right below M Pastinha's register

    1952 - register of Diógenes Féliz Bonfim (assistant stonemason), João Pereira dos Santos (stonemason) and João Oliveira dos Santos (assistant stonemason)

    Velhosmestres.com: earlier study has shown M João Pequeno entered CECA in 1949/51 and M João Grande in 1953. Perhaps their registries were done some time after 1953.

    1955 - already 12 names.

    In CECA among the 418 associates in the period stretching from 1941 to 1970, where the complete name, the date and place of birth, parents, capoeira category, date of admission, residential address and photo. I observed in the total of associates the registry n 113 of a woman, which was the first one, the interesting fact that her personal details were omitted, existing only her photo and the number. She entered the school in the 60-s.

    Later, there's a register of n 342 of Maria de Lourdes Barbosa, who's details are revealed, which says her admission was on the 2nd July of 1968, profession employee in business, and the last, the register n 380 of Arbênia Soares Rezende, employee in business, admitted on 11th July of 1969.

    So out of the total of 418 associates of the CECA, there are 415 men and three women, who, taking into the fact the values of the times, were exceptions in the predominantly masculine ambience.

    Conrado, 2006


    • Cover

    • First registry of M Pastinha

    • Registry of M Boca Rica

    Book of registry

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